If you have previously connected to the STATION F Wi-Fi, be sure to delete the network first!
Please note that your Wi-Fi password is different from your HAL password! If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it here.
For optimal performance, it’s recommended to use the “STATION F - WPA3” network. The standard “STATION F” network is available if your device does not support WPA3.
Connecting to STATION F Wi-Fi on Windows typically requires only two steps:
1. Enter the login credentials that you have received from HAL
2. Accept the certificate only if the information is the same as the screenshot
If it still doesn't work, you can follow the process below:
Open the Control Panel and select 'Network and Sharing Center':
Select 'Set up a new connection or network':
Choose 'Manually connect to a wireless network':
Fill out the form as seen below:
Select 'Change connection settings':
Click on the 'Settings' button next to "Microsoft: PEAP (Protected EAP)":
Fill out the form as seen below:
Then click on 'Configure' and uncheck the box:
Now click on 'OK' and then on 'Advanced settings':
Fill out the form like below. Save all and connect to the 'STATION F Wi-Fi' in your taskbar:
If you have any problems, please create a ticket.